Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dynamics 365 Business Central is a comprehensive ERP solution from Microsoft far small and medium -sized business management. Allows you to optimize your processes, make better decisions and positively influence the growth of your business.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Full integration of production and operations, integration of information about all activities of the company, asset management and solution of tasks in the fields of financial management, business analysis, production and distribution management, customer relations and control of services, as well as e-commerce.

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Abilities of using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Control automation

Using Microsoft’s Business Central solution, you automate and simplify processes in the company such as: production, shipment, purchase, sales, inventories, control of financial transactions, control of projects and much more

Integration of all enterprise information

Data integration takes place on sales, inventories, finances, and work with clients. Financial tracking in real time. You get a full picture of your business

Stock Management

Dynamics 365 Business Central is an easily customizable solution for small and medium-sized businesses that allows for inventory accounting using different methods, inventory calculation and delivery times are automatic, and cost accounting and calculation of goods production are possible

Optimization of retail trade

BC is not only optimized for wholesales, developed special solutions for retail business, the module supports front and back office processes. Ability to configure integration with cash registers, fiscal registrar, etc.

Financial Transparency of Business

In the Dynamics 365 Business Central module you can keep tax, accounting and management records, generate accounts, manage accounts receivable and accounts payable, issue prepayment invoices and manage the cash flow of the enterprise

Supply Chain Management

Optimization of the supply chain is possible using the Business Central module, the solution is able to increase transparency throughout the supply chain, time of movement, stock balance of products, all this contributes to lower inventory costs


Advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Project monitoring

All project tasks are automated. Get real-time data needed to control the project budget, keep track of expenses and income, staff work and progress. Coordinated work of the company’s departments

Cost reduction

With the help of available analytics within the company, you will be able to reduce errors, identify problems in advance and, as a result, increase the efficiency of the company and reduce costs in general

Manage your business from any device

The cloud solution easily adapts to your needs. Same user interface and ability to work from mobile devices

Expansion as it develops

Connect and develop your business with ERP solutions. Suitable for small and medium-sized businesses. Ability to scale with dynamic growth

Flexible modification of the system for niche

ERP offers a single tool for such companies: retail, distribution, manufacturing, professional services, construction, and real estate, etc.

Communication with the customers 24/7

By integrating sales and finance, reduce the time to develop an offer to the buyer. Respond to customer requests directly from Outlook in minutes. Monitor payment process and shipment of goods


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