We are changing the future:
IT solutions for television companies


The fastest way to develop your business with a Technology leader. Consider our solutions and offers.


We're a company with hands-on experience in automating business processes for television broadcasters, so we can tell you more than just words about how to effectively automate routine processes and use software to help you grow your business. The company's solutions allow you to automate dozens of internal processes and free up time to support the global growth of your company;



Customer and service management;

CRM systems for managing a customer base, processing orders, supporting customers, and tracking communications with them

Data analytics and reporting

Tools for analyzing audience data, measuring content performance, and making strategic decisions

Human resources (HR)

Automation of recruitment and personnel management processes includes collecting information about candidates, managing resumes, using electronic tools to control the hiring process, and maintaining the necessary documentation

Internal communications management

Using tools to facilitate communication and collaboration among employees, organizing internal communication processes and information exchange


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Implementation process

Analysis of needs

Starts with a profound understanding of your business needs. It is important to determine which processes need to be automated and what goals you want to achieve through the introduction of new technologies

Planning and consultation

At this stage, you communicate with our experts to develop an implementation strategy, discuss technical details and draw up a work plan


Once your needs are identified and a plan is developed, the process of customizing the software, adapting it to the specific requirements of your business, and integrating with existing systems and structures begins


Before the final solutions implementation, we test them out to ensure that everything works as expected. This is an important step to identify errors and fix them before launch

Implementation and staff training

After successful solutions testing, they are put into operation. For staff, training sessions are conducted on how to use the new systems and programs

Support and optimization

After implementation, it is important to provide support and technical assistance to users. In addition, optimization and improvement are constantly taking place

We implement technologies use the best solutions known all over the world!

More than 200 integrations with various systems

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