Microsoft Stream

Microsoft Stream is a secure corporate video service that allows you to download, watch, and share videos within the same organization

Microsoft Stream

Microsoft Stream is software created for the needs of small, medium, and large businesses to establish seamless contacts between employees, training, joint work, and information exchange with the help of video materials

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Microsoft Stream features

Downloading and watching videos

With Microsoft Stream, employees in the same organization can download, view, and share videos with their colleagues to organize and optimize their collaboration

Video storage

Videos are stored in Microsoft Stream. Customers receive 500GB of storage to host their materials

Commenting on videos

Every user who has access to the video materials can leave comments to them (recordings of training, presentations) to later discuss individual details with colleagues

Conducting live broadcasts

The program provides the opportunity to conduct live broadcasts. The maximum live broadcast time is 4 hours

Automatic creation of subtitles for videos

Microsoft Stream allows you to automatically create subtitles if the video language is English or Spanish

Office 365 integration

The program is deeply integrated with Office 365 allowing you to significantly reduce the search time for the necessary video content


Microsoft Stream benefits

Shared access

Provide access to your videos, so that other users could view, add to their pages, or edit video materials they need

Work optimization

Easily share recordings of meetings, discussions, classes and other video materials to optimize work processes while being assured that the confidential corporate content is protected


All videos in the program are protected and can only be viewed by those users or a group of users who have been granted special permission. The video owner controls the lists of users who can view or edit video materials

Multi-language support

Microsoft Stream supports many languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Greek, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Swedish, Ukrainian, Turkish, and more

Well-organized material

Easily organize content into channels and groups to quickly find the video you need

Compatibility with mobile devices

Stay up-to-date with all changes and updates in the program at any time by using your iOS or Android mobile device


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