Microsoft Sway

Microsoft Sway is a constructor for creating professional interactive presentations and projects

Microsoft Sway

Microsoft Sway is a software that allows you to create interactive documents and share them with colleagues using Sway canvases

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Microsoft Sway features

Documents creation

Sway is convenient for creating business documents such as reports, certificates, or minutes, and presentations. The service is not limited by ready-made templates that makes it possible only to create documents of the same type. Microsoft Sway is also suitable for home use - creating photo albums from trips, cookbooks, and more

Adding multimedia content

Users can combine text and multimedia from internet sources to create professional presentations. With Sway's integration across devices and social networks, users can easily find and add the content they need to their documents

Templates creation

Sway does not limit users to using only built-in templates. With intuitive instructions, you can create your own templates. Convenient design tools will help you quickly achieve the desired result

Shared access

With Sway, you can collaborate on documents and presentations. For collaborative editing, all you need is a URL

Personal analytics

With this feature, users can view their personal productivity (% reading Sway) at any time

Integration with OneDrive, OneNote, and other Microsoft products

Integration with other Microsoft products makes it easy for users to add files from cloud storage or other services


Microsoft Sway benefits

Ease of use

Transform information and images to present them in a modern and interactive form even having a minimum experience with Microsoft products

Built-in formatting module

Simplify your formatting and layout modifying tasks with the help of the automatic formatting module

Wide range of templates

Quickly create documents using a large number of Sway templates. However, this is not the limit: learn about all the software features to create your own materials with the help of the Get inspired by Sway service


Take advantage of the intuitive interface and easy step-by-step instructions to create your first documents without full familiarization with the service

Compatibility with mobile devices

Create documents at any time suitable for you using Microsoft Sway on any mobile device


Согласно правилам конфиденциальности, вся информация, которая содержится в Microsoft Sway, может быть доступной лишь для тех пользователей, кому собственник дал разрешение на просмотр или редактирование. Изменить параметры конфиденциальности может исключительно собственник документа


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