Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Service

Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows to automate your company’s support team. The service expands your possibilities for convenient and personalized interaction with customers, as well as increasing their loyalty. Every interaction matters in the customer service, and modern customer expects unhindered contact with your company regardless of the service channel. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service will help you to process the client’s request, as well as to predict possible problems, solve them before clients have time to think about them. So this service works on forming the reputation of your company as a reliable partner, constantly in touch.

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Image from Microsoft

With Dynamics 365, you offer your customers the information they need by accessing knowledge articles and artificial intelligence-based agents. This provides a quick solution to many client issues and allows your employees to focus on more complex customer problems.

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Image from Microsoft

Dynamics 365 Customer Support provides a wide range of self-service solutions using Microsoft Power Platform-based portals.

Dynamics 365 Customer Service integrates easily with other Microsoft applications such as Dynamics 365 for sales, marketing, etc. All Dynamics applications rely on one data model and avoid redundancy.

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Self-service system for customers

Create Self-service, Community and Target Group Oriented Chat Portals

Employee awareness

Create a knowledge base for your staff by providing them with the necessary working information

Customer review 360°

Personalize each experience and process service requests faster and more efficiency. Route calls and configure queues

Internal information accessibility

Integrate the company’s internal departments for a single service process, set the level of access to information for each employee

Image in the eyes of customers

Assess customer’s satisfaction in the system and adjust work with clients based on this

Reporting analysis

Make strategic decisions based on reporting with different visualization options


Key benefits

Omnichannel service

Ensure agreed and consistent communication with your customers across all service channels. Communicate with clients on their preferred channel, including Chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, Line, etc. through multi-channel customer service. Unified platform provides contexts for all channels and interactions with minimal effort for customers

Self-service and community portals

Increase the ability of customers who prefer to find answers themselves. Dynamics 365 for Customer Service allows you to create self-service portals and create separate communities for specific target groups. Customers can themselves be active on these portals and in communities and share ideas with each other


Create and send surveys to easily learn the options and attitudes of your customers, and then evaluate them in the system. There assessments can be combined or personalized so that you can see the overall picture as well as respond directly to the specific problems of your customers

Unified knowledge base

This Microsoft service will also support you with a centralized knowledge base. You can make it available to both customers and employees. With the help of analysis tools, you can determine how useful these records are for clients and adjust the knowledge database

Integration with Power BI

Power BI allows to display created dashboards and reports. This tool connects services for artificial intelligence and machine learning. It complements Dynamics 365’s capabilities without having to switch between systems

Smart Customer Service

Identify trends and get analytic information from embedded reports. Learn “what if” scenarios and predict results with interactive diagrams and powerful data visualization capabilities. Automatically create service requests based on IoT signals


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