Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Marketing it is an application for automating the marketing processes of companies. The application is easy to use, works great with Dynamics 365 Sales and has built-in business analytics. Dynamics 365 Marketing gives your marketers the tools to manage your entire marketing strategy.

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Image from Microsoft

So, lead generation and scoring tools will help your employees identify potential customers, start, and develop business relationships with them. Easy-to-use tools help you quickly create dynamics marketing content and create automated customer interaction cycles.

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Image from Microsoft

Integrated solution for marketing tasks will help you to save time, to interact with significant number of potential customers, to maintain communication with less efforts. And at the same time, always be aware of events, deliver messages at the most appropriate time, and analyze the performance and marketing return on investment


Щоб забезпечити максимальну цінність для користувачів і надати їм максимально персоналізований досвід з 1 вересня 2023 року компанія Майкрософт об’єднала та перейменувала Dynamics 365 Marketing та Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. Dynamics 365 Marketing тепер називається Dynamics 365 Customer Insights "Подорожі"

Нова Dynamics 365 Customer Insights об’єднує окремі Dynamics 365 Customer Insights програми та програми Dynamics 365 Marketing в єдину систему. Нова комбінована пропозиція спрощує ліцензування, щоб клієнтам було простіше купувати та використовувати програми в міру зростання їхнього бізнесу. 

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The possibilities of using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

Interactive cycles of interaction

Creating a customer interaction cycle gives you a clear idea of how the customer moves from learning about your business to more detailed knowledge of the product or service, assess the customer’s potential and turn him into a buyer

Smart mailing lists

Create graphical email messages and online content to support marketing initiatives. Customizable email templates that meet legal and delivery requirements enhance your digital voice


Enhance the secure exchange of information between the divisions of the company. Connect sales and marketing processes to automate follow-up actions and track the progress of each potential customer

Online, offline events

Organize and store all information about the carry out of events. Combine data about the locations, logistics, ticket sales, sessions, speakers, sponsors and much more in one place so that your entire team can coordinate their work while working on them

Profitability analysis

Analyze the marketing profitability of investments. Use dashboards and reports to track the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, as well as to identify your best sources of potential customers and marketing activities

Priority Lead Generation

Prioritize potential customers for more quantity of wins. Guide the most promising potential customers to sales when they reach an agreed level of readiness for it


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing advantages

Automation of companies and workflow

This tool from Microsoft helps you better understand your workflow and trigger points so you can create a more personalized experience for the buyer

Using LinkedIn business prospects

Effectively customize targeting and communicate with LinkedIn by importing contacts from potential customers directly into Dynamics 365

Comprehensive marketing solution

Dynamics 365 Marketing includes a set of applications and solutions selected to support marketing departments and sales department coordination. This includes applications: basic marketing, event management, online survey and analysis of the results in Dynamics 365 Customer Voice, using various features of the Power Platform

Adaptive application with unified interface

Dynamics 365 works on various platforms with support for adaptive interface. There is no need to install a special client on each device or switch to another site depending on the device you are using


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