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Critical Questions When Choosing a CRM System

Choosing a CRM system is an important step for any company, as it will play a key role in interacting with customers, managing sales, and increasing business productivity. To make the right choice, you need to consider all the company's unique needs and clearly define which CRM features you need.

The main criteria for choosing a CRM

1. Implementation goal: What are your specific goals for implementing CRM? About 74% of customers believe that the main goal of implementing CRM is to improve the quality of customer service, 65% - to increase sales, and 60% - to optimize business processes.
2. Functionality: What CRM system functions do you need? About 85% of systems provide tools for storing and managing customer contact information, about 80% of systems provide the ability to integrate with other business systems, and 70% provide mobile access to their products.
3. Scalability and flexibility: Can the CRM system easily scale with your business and adapt to changes in the company's needs? Up to 80% of systems aimed at large businesses have a high level of scalability, while those aimed at small and medium-sized businesses have an average of 40-60% scalability.
4. Integration: How well does the CRM system integrate with other systems such as email, social media, accounting programs, and more? A modern CRM can have more than 100 ready-made integrations with popular tools.
5. Data security: What personal data protection mechanisms does the CRM system use? Does it meet the legal requirements for personal data protection? On average, companies spend 10% to 20% of their CRM budget on ensuring data security and protection against cyber threats.
6. Support and training: What level of support and training does the CRM system producer provide? More than 70% of modern CRM systems provide access to online courses, training videos, instructions and documentation for users.
7. Cost: What is the cost of implementing a CRM system, including costs for licenses, setup, employee training, and so on? Is there an opportunity to scale costs as the business grows?

The right CRM is the system that will have the most benefits for the company. In this context, it is worth paying attention to Microsoft Dynamics 365, which is one of the leading CRM and ERP platforms worldwide and is used by thousands of companies in various industries and regions.

Advantages of Microsoft Dynamics 365

●    Integration: Dynamics 365 combines various functions such as CRM (customer relationship management), ERP (production and resource management), analytics, and others. This allows companies to work with different business aspects within one system and access the ecosystem of Microsoft tools.
●    Cloud service: Dynamics 365 offers a cloud solution that can be used from any location and device with Internet access. According to analytical reports, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is one of the leaders in the world of cloud solutions for business management, along with Salesforce, SAP, and Oracle.
●    Modularity: The system is built on the principle of modularity, where users can select and use only those functions they need. This allows companies to scale the system based on their needs.
●    Artificial intelligence and analytics: Dynamics 365 uses smart technologies, including artificial intelligence and analytics, to better manage data and make business decisions based on it. A bright example is Volkswagen Group, which uses intelligent algorithms in Dynamics 365 to optimize inventory management and forecast demand for spare parts for its cars.
●    Flexibility and customization: The platform allows users to customize the system to their individual needs and business requirements. One example of the flexible use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the Schneider Electric company, which, thanks to the flexibility of the system settings, was able to adapt it to its unique needs and business requirements, including module customization for better sales management, customer service, and marketing.
●    Customer support and ecosystem: Microsoft provides a wide range of support for Dynamics 365 users, including training, consulting, and other services.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is one of the leading CRM and ERP platforms in the global market. More than 750 thousand companies use Dynamics 365 to automate their activities, which confirms the system’s status as a leader worldwide.