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Power BI end-to-end analytics: A turnkey solution for business

Making critical business decisions can only be effective based on a detailed data analysis. Only numbers can reflect the true state of a business and help set the right vector for its development. However, without systematization, analytics, and interpretation capabilities, numbers alone cannot provide a complete picture of the company's current state, market position, or the direction of its movement. 

Microsoft offers the Power BI solution—a powerful set of business analytics tools that helps transform data from various sources into a unified system of interactive reports and dashboards. 

Key components of Power BI analytics: 

  • Power BI Desktop: A tool for creating reports and dashboards on your computer. 

  • Power BI Service: A cloud platform for publishing, sharing, and collaborating on reports. 

  • Power BI Mobile: A mobile application for viewing reports on the go. 

Power BI end-to-end analytics capabilities: 

Microsoft's end-to-end analytics tool enables you to combine data from different sources to gain a comprehensive view of your company's business processes. Key capabilities of Power BI include: 

  1. Data integration: The system can synchronize with around 100 different data sources. Here are some common sources for integration: 


  • Excel 

  • CSV 

  • XML 

  • JSON. 


  • SQL Server 

  • MySQL 

  • PostgreSQL 

  • Oracle Database 

  • IBM DB2 

  • Amazon Redshift 

  • Azure SQL Database; 

  • Google BigQuery 

  • Teradata. 

Online services:  

  • SharePoint Online List 

  • OneDrive 

  • Google Analytics 

  • Facebook 

  • Salesforce 

  • MailChimp 

  • Zendesk 

  • GitHub 

  • Twilio. 

Cloud platforms and services:  

  • Azure Data Lake Storage 

  • Azure Blob Storage 

  • Azure Table Storage 

  • Azure Cosmos DB 

  • Azure DevOps 

  • Amazon S3 

  • Google Cloud Storage. 

Microsoft services:  

  • Dynamics 365 

  • Microsoft Exchange 

  • Microsoft Planner 

  • Microsoft Teams 

  • Microsoft Azure Consumption Insights 

  • Microsoft Graph. 


  1. Data transformation and modeling.  Power Query and DAX tools allow for easy transformation, cleansing, and modeling of data for further analysis. 

  2. Data visualization. Power BI offers a wide range of visual elements that help create informative and easy-to-understand dashboards and reports. 

  3. Collaboration and data sharing. The Power BI cloud platform allows you to share reports with colleagues and collaborate on data analysis in real time. 

Advantages of using Power BI end-to-end analytics 

  • Increased productivity by 25-30% achieved through automation of data collection and process analysis. 

  • Reduction of IT infrastructure costs by 20-25%. Using Power BI as a turnkey solution significantly reduces costs due to ready-made integrations, templates, and process automation. 

  • Decision-making speed increased by 30-40%. Interactive dashboards and reports provide quick access to necessary information for making strategic decisions. 

  • Improved forecast accuracy by 20-35%, which is especially important for financial planning, marketing campaigns, and inventory management. 

  • Increased ROI by 50-60%. Achieved through reduced data analysis costs, improved operational efficiency, and enhanced business results. 

  • Reduced report preparation time by 40-50% thanks to quick access to relevant information and timely responses to changes in the business environment. 

Power BI analytics setup process 

Progresia identifies four main steps that a company should take to ensure a seamless Power BI implementation process: 

  • Needs analysis (1 week): Identifying relevant data and key metrics for the company that need to be analyzed, as well as the resources available for implementation. 

  • Data preparation (2 weeks): Gathering all necessary data for use in Power BI. 

  • Analytics setup (4 weeks): Setting up the Power BI environment and required reporting system. Creating data access and dashboards for users. 

  • Training and support (2 weeks): Creating conditions and an environment for comprehensive training of staff on how to use Power BI tools and features. 

Power BI end-to-end analytics is an effective turnkey solution for business. This is confirmed not only by global statistics but also by survey results conducted by Progresia among both its employees and customers using this toolset: 

  • For 85% of employees, the data analysis process has become simpler and faster. 

  • About 90% of customers are not ready to stop using Power BI in the future and believe it has positively impacted their company's efficiency. 

Business success depends on making timely and correct decisions based on valuable insights. Power BI analytics is the primary source of these insights.