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Progresia.Сhat: Website widget

The speed and convenience of customer interaction have evolved beyond phone calls or receiving a response within a day. A positive customer experience now relies on superior, quicker, and more flexible services. A website chat is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for ensuring the best customer experience. This tool allows for instant responses and real-time support.

Progresia, a company specializing in business process automation, offers a specialized service— This solution lets users conveniently communicate with customers through various external channels without leaving Microsoft Teams.

Benefits of

The unique features of lie in its expansion of the standard Microsoft Teams functionality. It allows companies to interact directly with customers through various popular communication channels (Telegram, Viber, Facebook, and Instagram) within the Teams interface. What are the advantages of using this product?

  • Time optimization: No need to switch between different communication channels.
  • Keeping all customer communications organized and structured. connection process

  1. Choose the Microsoft Teams plan (Microsoft Teams Essentials or higher).
  2. Purchase a license.
  3. Install and configure the necessary integrations. Company specialists will perform all required configurations according to the technical requirements provided by the customer.
  4. Use the product.

Key features of the website chat

  • Automated and faster customer responses. Studies show that the average response time in a chat decreases to 5 seconds, while email responses can take up to 12 hours.
  • CRM system integration. can be integrated with any CRM system, allowing you to store communication history and use it for further customer interactions.
  • Multimedia support. Integration with popular communication channels supporting multimedia file exchanges significantly simplifies communication. According to the research, receiving high-quality visual information about a product increases conversions by an average of 30%.

Why choose Progresia's website widget?

  • Ease of use. We’ve developed a product that doesn't require additional applications or systems, saving time on learning new functionalities. You will continue using the familiar Microsoft Teams interface in desktop and mobile versions but with significantly enhanced capabilities.
  • Product quality. is a thoroughly tested product within the company. It currently operates flawlessly and is used by the company for customer communication.
  • Permanent technical support. The Progresia technical team can easily implement any technical issues, enhancements, or changes in the technical requirements.

So, if you need quality changes for your company and are looking for ways to optimize operations and improve customer service, then implementing a website chat is the most optimal solution. It ensures better customer support, reduces the load on managers, and allows for more personalized service. is a powerful communication tool that will undoubtedly work!