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Progresia.Сhat: Website widget

The speed and convenience of customer interaction have evolved beyond phone calls or receiving a response within a day. A positive customer experience now relies on superior, quicker, and more flexible services. A website chat is undoubtedly one of the most effective tools for ensuring the best customer experience. This tool allows for instant responses and real-time support.

Critical Questions When Choosing a CRM System

Choosing a CRM system is an important step for any company, as it will play a key role in interacting with customers, managing sales, and increasing business productivity. To make the right choice, you need to consider all the company's unique needs and clearly define which CRM features you need.

The main criteria for choosing a CRM

Key aspects of CRM implementation in the company

Implementing a CRM system into a company requires a balanced approach and a strategy that will consider all business specifics, customer needs, and company capabilities. A successful and painless implementation that gives a company the expected results requires following a clear implementation plan.

Workflows optimization using the Power Platform

Workflow optimization is an important and even fundamental element of successful business management in modern conditions when digital transformation is synonymous with development and success. This includes improving work processes to ensure efficiency growth and high productivity and performance quality of assigned tasks. 

The main stages of workflow optimization